The Marshmallow Story

The Marshmallow Story is my recent passion project.


The Marshmallow Story was published in December 2017, and is available for purchase worldwide online –

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When I was a psychology student in NY I was babysitting for some of the richest families in the world, as I was learning about The marshmallow experiment and how important is it to work with young children about delay gratification.
The Marshmallow experiment was done in Stanford University in the 1960’s by Prof. Walter Mishele, he tested children ages 3 to 5yo by giving them a marshmallow and explaining to them that if they will wait for 20 mins in the room without eating the marshmallow they will get a second marshmallow.
50% of the kids waited and the other 50% didn’t. The researchers followed the kids for 30 years!!! The kids who were able to control themselves and waited were much more successful and happier both in their professional and personal lives, they also scored higher on different tests.
Ever since, many have tried to redo the experiment and reached the same results.


I think its important to educate the parents about the urgency of raising their kids to a much better adulthood.
I believe children’s books now days are too easily written and easily published, we should consider wisely what massage we want to teach the next generations, therefor I wrote a series of books based on psychological experiments and research that have significant results.

I’m excited to share the first few reviews about the book –